Donut Acrylic Placemat



Our new signature clear Acrylic Placemats are a novel way to show off your favorite art as a centerpiece on your dining table, bar counter, or as an art display on a shelf. The possibilities are endless!

The best part? You can open the Placemat to swap the included print with your own art or our assortment of prints (available on our site).

This kit includes our Donut Pop Art Print insert, which will be a sure hit at your next dinner party. Pop art is highly recognizable and utilizes fun, whimsical images, and icons.


1.         One three-layer acrylic with middle compartment for art placement and durability.

2.         Openable 9” H x 12” L x .1” D compartment inside for your favorite art.

3.         Stainless Steel screw hardware with rubber feet.

4.         One Martini Pop Print on premium, stain-free card stock insert included.


Placemat: 12” H x 16” L x .5” D

Art: 9” H x 12” L x .1” D


Custom kit

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Our new signature clear Acrylic Placemats are a novel way to show off your favorite art as a centerpiece on your dining table, bar counter, or as an art display on a shelf. The possibilities are endless!

The best part? You can open the Placemat to swap the included print with your own art or our assortment of prints (available on our site).

This kit includes our Donut Pop Art Print insert, which will be a sure hit at your next dinner party. Pop art is highly recognizable and utilizes fun, whimsical images, and icons.


1.         One three-layer acrylic with middle compartment for art placement and durability.

2.         Openable 9” H x 12” L x .1” D compartment inside for your favorite art.

3.         Stainless Steel screw hardware with rubber feet.

4.         One Martini Pop Print on premium, stain-free card stock insert included.


Placemat: 12” H x 16” L x .5” D

Art: 9” H x 12” L x .1” D


Custom kit


Our new signature clear Acrylic Placemats are a novel way to show off your favorite art as a centerpiece on your dining table, bar counter, or as an art display on a shelf. The possibilities are endless!

The best part? You can open the Placemat to swap the included print with your own art or our assortment of prints (available on our site).

This kit includes our Donut Pop Art Print insert, which will be a sure hit at your next dinner party. Pop art is highly recognizable and utilizes fun, whimsical images, and icons.


1.         One three-layer acrylic with middle compartment for art placement and durability.

2.         Openable 9” H x 12” L x .1” D compartment inside for your favorite art.

3.         Stainless Steel screw hardware with rubber feet.

4.         One Martini Pop Print on premium, stain-free card stock insert included.


Placemat: 12” H x 16” L x .5” D

Art: 9” H x 12” L x .1” D


Custom kit

Wine Acrylic Placemat
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Wine Glass & Bottle Tri-Color Acrylic Placemat
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